How to Honeymoon on a Budget – some useful tips
Have you been panicking – wondering how to honeymoon on a budget?
Weddings can be so expensive can’t they what with the dress to pay for and the reception and all manner of things. You may have sussed how to keep your wedding costs down but oh then you have the honeymoon to think about.
AAAggh a whole host of extra expense to worry about.
When your partner and you are ready to honeymoon, you often want it to be the picture-perfect honeymoon you’ve always dreamed of. And it can be, but sometimes it’s harder with working with a lower budget. Don’t worry you can make the most of your honeymoon even with your budget. I’m going to be sharing with you today some tips on how to honeymoon on a budget.
It can be done and it really can be wonderful.
Let’s make a start….
Know your priorities
When you’re working with a budget it’s important to make sure you know exactly what your priorities are in your wants on this trip. Know what aspects are not negotiable, and what aspects you can live without. Really consider this and make a list of your must do’s and haves and relegate the rest to non-essentials. This really helps you keep to your budget and still get what you want most of all.
Use a registry in your wedding
A registry can help a lot with your honeymoon. You can use the money towards the trip so that you don’t have to spend as much out of pocket money on your honeymoon, making the budget a little higher. Some friends of mine asked for travel vouchers for their wedding gift in lieu o gifts and they ended p having their who le honey moon paid for this way. I thought that was juts so savvy. They had been living together for a while so they actually already had all they needed in the way of stuff. Haveing their honeymoon paid for by their wedding guests saved them so much in terms of money and worries and stress. How perfect.
Go during the offseason
It may not tie in with your plans to travel off-season but it is WELL worth considering. Travelling anywhere on an off season is much less expensive. MUCH less expensive. Don’t try to go on major holidays or when the particular destination is mostly packed. It helps to make your costs lower to travel out of season so do have a good look at the various price options available.
Use your resources
Use your resources when it comes to determining a place and how to afford your trip best. There are plenty of ways to find somewhere that includes specifics like beaches or adventures, and find package deals on your trip and stay that can lower costs. Really good research is essential to make sure you get all the best deals. Your laptop is your best asset for this research and sites like trip advisor which a re packed with reviews can really help you make smart decisions about what to spend your money on. Asking friends for tips and advice is always a good move too.
If ou are wondering how to stick to a honeymoon budget – write it out
Writing out your budget and planned costs can help a lot when you’re figuring out what will work best. Write out everything in your planned trip from travel in the place to flights to food to stay, it can help you find the most cost-effective idea and really help you stick to your budget so you don’t over extend yourself. Grab yourself a little notebook and get your budget and your costs will give you so much clarity for such littel effort.
Choose a budget-friendly locale
A lot of places are more expensive to stay at than others in food, travel while there, and places to stay. Research your place beforehand and see how expensive it is to live there or be in the town for a week compared to other destination ideas. This really can make a huge difference to the overall spend on your honeymoon and it is something people do not always consider when choosing their vacation. It is, however, a key concern when you are considering how to honeymoon on a budget.
Try other travel options
Maybe there’s someplace within driving distance that you can have all you want. Sometimes finding alternatives to flying there can help cut the costs a lot. It also helps with travel while there.
A European break my be just as charming as a trip to Barbados and a ferry crossing can definitely be romantic!
Although you may have already thought of some of these, hopefully, some are new that you can incorporate into your planning to help you with the budgeting. You can still have a great romantic and beautiful honeymoon with less money, it just takes careful planning and quite a bit of consideration…and it is worth it. Who wants to start their honeymoon in debt. No-one right?
I wish you the best on your getaway with your significant other for your honeymooning, and good luck on your travels!
I do hope you have enjoyed this post on how to honeymoon on a budget. Special experiences do not have to cost a fortune at least I hope this post has shown you. You might also like my post on the most romantic honeymoon destinations
Over to you
Okay no we have considered exactly how to honeymoon on a budget now it is over to you. I would absolutely love to hear how you honeymooned – did you honeymoon on a budget or did you go all out expensive. And how did you decide where to go?
For my honeymoon, we stayed on a farm in Yorkshire and it was a complete and utter delight. Not expensive but just absolutely lovely.
Do tell me your story!